Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog #17:

Since my topic is not one that is often something that is "treated", these two articles applied less to my article but still, these articles really just impact any kind of health issues in general because they simply describe the pros and cons of just one certain topic... health care which applies to any form of health topic. The reason why it applies to all of the health topics is because almost every health topic should have some form of a cure, process of diagnosing, or even some form of relief efforts for the patient.
My opinion on the topic would side more towards what Joel A Harrison was saying about how, "Recognizing the hidden costs that U.S. households pay for health care today makes it far easier to see how a universal single-payer system—with all of its obvious advantages—can cost most Americans less than the one we have today." I did not agree with Larry Kudlow especially since his style of stating his opinion was so smug and almost rude like the way he started out his article by saying, "Does anybody really believe that adding 50 million people to the public health-care rolls will not cost the government more money?" Even just his picture alone offendedd me when I looked at it. At least the way that George Will phrased his opinion (which was similar to Kudlows) he did not phrase it in such a rude and up-front way. For example in his article he said as though stateing a fact, "As is said, if you think health care is expensive now, just wait until it is free."

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