Tuesday, February 22, 2011

1) My first idea that I propose that I could do for Ampersand would be to write my article about a certain co-worker of mine while I was interning at MeadsDurket marketing firm. Her name was Georgie and she wore an article of clothing that somehow had something to do with cats almost every single day I was at my internship. I could also hear her talking on the phone throughout the work days about some cats she was rescuing and how she cried when she could not keep them all for her own.

2) My second idea that I propose that I could do for Ampersand would be to write my article about how my internship experience allowed me to test out and see how my organization skills (or lack of) and my various medical issues would affect my ability to work and complete tasks in the real world especially considering the fact that I hope to be very successful at whatever career I choose to pursue.

3) My final idea that I propose that I could do for Ampersand would be to write my article about how my internship allowed me to see how it felt to actually be part of the career world and how it felt to be part of the machine that is constantly at work in order for our world and our way of life to fully function at all times.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


This New Yorker article has a couple elements throughout it that I would like to include in my article that I will eventually write for Ampersand. First of all, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. This of course is one aspect that I would hope that I could include in my Ampersand article. The other thing that I will pull from this New Yorker article is I might start by setting the scene in my article just like the author of this New Yorker did by describing a situation or a setting before diving strait into telling a full on story or providing all of my information.


This article includes several writing tools that were used throughout it. This is what I will take away from reading it and I will try and include several uses of the writing tips in my article for Ampersand as well. One example of when a writing tip was used in this article was when the author wrote, "He warned that the “squeezed” middle-classes face potentially the greatest burden, amid concerns that it is already too late to help ease the “catastrophic” costs likely to hit the recently retired." This example shows how the writing tip, make meaning early was used throughout this article, which I will hopefully also be able to include in my final Ampersand article.


This article, written in the New Yorker, was another good example of an article to base my article for Ampersand off of. This is because this article also used many of the writing tips we have been taught during class throughout it as well. For example, this article uses the writing tip of Concerts Not Pancakes. An example of where this writing tip is used is when the article says, "Kurt is actually a phenomenal dart player, but Jason, once he gets about six beers in him, is also phenomenal. They call him Dead-Eye.” Not only does the word "phenomenal" catch your attention at the beginning, but the phrase "Dead-Eye" ends the sentence with a bang as well.

Monday, February 7, 2011


The main "technique" that I noticed being used was the author was very argumentative and blunt while conducting the interview. This lead to a very interesting, exciting, and even controversial interview in the end.

In this interview, I think that the format that the author organized it into was definitely a "writing technique" because if he had not organized in the way that it is now, I don't think it would have provided the same amount of drama and suspense as it does when reading it. The style that it is written in is that it is written out almost exactly as it was most likely said except for a few lines being bolded according to who is speaking at that time. This provided the reader with some extra drama when it was needed I think because you were not pausing throughout your reading experience in order to go back and read who is saying what, but at the same time you are also not "drifting" and getting lost in any extra writing about facts or comments. This format for an interview is clearly best for dramatic ones such as this one.


When he wrote about his interview that he conducted about Marlon Brando, the interviewer chose to use the writing technique of including all of the quotes within what seemed to be a solid narrative which included some dialogue of what was said at this visit.

The interviewer may have chosen to use this style of formatting the interview in order to possibly show how laid back and relaxed the interviewee and his style of life were. In the introduction the interviewer describes the environment in which the interviewee lived in and he described it as having tea bags and bamboo cluttering up his house which these items then lead to believe that the interviewee was a very calm and peaceful person which set up a background knowledge or image in the readers brain for as to how the interview may proceed.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Semester Two, Blog Two

I have always been a twisted or dark book lover, but recently I have began to read a book called, It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want To Be and so far I have actually really enjoyed it. I have always been skeptical of inspirational or "self-help" books but this book was recommended to me and so far I am loving it! The advertising guru, Paul Arden, writes it and it is a handbook of how to succeed in life. This book caught my attention because of my curiosity and when I flipped through it and read little tid bits I agreed with everything it said and enjoyed all of the photos it provided.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Semester Two, Blog Number One!

1) The main thing that I am taking away from my internship is confidence. Before I started my internship I was afraid that once I gained more independence, I would not be able to continue with my time management and organizational skills. Once I actually started my internship though, I surprised myself by being able to enforce my ability to use my organizational and time management skills even more than I had before

2) I will be able to use these newly enhanced skills in the coming semester when it comes to completing projects and assignments on time. I will also be able to use my newly enhanced organizational skills to hopefully keep my bag and school supplies in general clean and organized at all time.