Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blog #6: American Icons!
Artist Statement:

Imagine: Your modeling career you have worked so hard on starting has just hit its peak when you are struck in a serious car crash resulting in the loss of most of your left eyelid. This quickly crushes all of your fantastic dreams to "ma

ke it big as a model." This unfortunate event ended your career as a model and for most people, would have resulted in the beginning of a continuous spiral downward and a lack of persistence to continue on with their lives. This, however, did not apply to Grace Coddington. She applied great r

esilience to the situation she was in and managed to pick herself back up again and land a job at New York's number one fashion magazine, Vogue.

As an inspiring fashion industry member, I was immediately drawn to fashion icons that you would think of first. People such as Twiggy, Anna W

intour, Audrey Hepburn, and even Lady Gaga. Then, as the time was quickly passing me by, I was frantically skimming through my Vogue magazine searching for anyone who I could relate to enough to be my icon. I finally saw the name, Grace Coddington. She is the head creative direct

or of Vogue Magazine.

I have always been intrigued by fashion my whole life, but I especially enjoy the fashion ads in magazines. Whenever I would get a fashion magazine in the mail, I would spend the majority of my time looking at the first section of the magazine

s, slowly going over and identifying my favorite ads. It was a different fairytale on each page for me to inspect. I would even try my hand at making my own ads by cutting out a dress and pasting it on a white piece of paper and drawing the rest of the shoot.

I have had many "speed bumps" (as I like to call

them) in my life, where I have had to pick myself up, and continue on even stronger with my life like Grace. Finally, although I am not completely certain of my career path, as of right now, Grace Coddington's career position is my dream job. I hope to one day follow in the footsteps of all the well-k

nown fashion icons from Twiggy, to Grace, to hopefully me one day. Though it is no fatal crash, I encounter speed bumps that may slow me down, but it’s not the end of the road for me.


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