Thursday, September 30, 2010

This example shows how since "Union generals at times contracted directly with businesses for arms and supplies. Without government regulatory policies, businesses grew through a self-policing financial community, failing when greed overtook prudence as in the Panic of 1873. Congressional leaders curried favor with big businesses, accepting loans that were never repaid, shares of stocks, and seats on corporate boards", that to some effect has an effect on our economy today. The Civil War had many effects on the people who lived at the time of it and no matter how many years it has been since then, it still shows itself through little ways in our lives today in 2010.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blog #8

1. This article was about how the president would like to and is pushing to extend both the average school day and the average school year to better educate the American students. This article also included various important quotes which showed opinions from both sides of the argument such as, "Kids wanted to go swimming. Their families wanted to go on vacation." (Parent Irene Facciolo in Montpelier, Vt.) and, "The idea of a longer school year, I think, makes sense" (President Barack Obama).
2. This article in a way shows the extent of the executives branches power yet it also shows how the system of checks and balances comes into play or else Obama would not have to be going out and rallying up support. The topic of the "separation of powers" is stated in both Article 1 Section 1, Article 2 Section 1, and Article 3 Section 1 of the American Constitution when it discusses the different branches of government and how they keep each other balanced at all times.
3. In being a fellow student who is not yet in college, this issue definitely has me confused on what my opinion would be on it. The obvious answer for me when I first saw this article was "I hope this doesn't get passed!!!" This is because what high school student wants their precious summer time cut even shorter in order to "fully develop their minds"? Then as i thought about it more, my opinion began to sway because I began to think about how academically advanced other countries are becoming because of their longer school years which is why now I am perfectly caught exactly in the middle between the two different sides of the argument.

1. This article was about how a 19 year old college student at the University of Texas climbed a campus tower and started shooting at the other people below. He then walked to the library where he then fatally shot himself. Just years before, another shooting occured at the same campus at the top of the same tower except the only difference was the shooter then shot and killed 16 innocent people and wounded nearly 3 dozen others before the police shot him. Luckily some bi standers of the crime were able to tell the police the direction in which the suspect went. On witness said, "I'm not scared, but I was scared for the people around me". Another witness who had made eye contact with the shooter said "I saw in his eyes he didn't care" as he was making his way to the library where he would later kill himself.
2. This article relates to the part of the Constitution that states that "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." This is the second amendment of the American Constitution. This story is definitely related to the debate over the 2nd amendment in our constitution because some may argue that if had only had tighter gun control laws (which would go against our second amendment) then this whole situation would have never happened.
3. I am not sure why this article in particular caught my eye but I think it was because of my love of crime shows and the brief description of the article just sounded interesting.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blog #6: American Icons!
Artist Statement:

Imagine: Your modeling career you have worked so hard on starting has just hit its peak when you are struck in a serious car crash resulting in the loss of most of your left eyelid. This quickly crushes all of your fantastic dreams to "ma

ke it big as a model." This unfortunate event ended your career as a model and for most people, would have resulted in the beginning of a continuous spiral downward and a lack of persistence to continue on with their lives. This, however, did not apply to Grace Coddington. She applied great r

esilience to the situation she was in and managed to pick herself back up again and land a job at New York's number one fashion magazine, Vogue.

As an inspiring fashion industry member, I was immediately drawn to fashion icons that you would think of first. People such as Twiggy, Anna W

intour, Audrey Hepburn, and even Lady Gaga. Then, as the time was quickly passing me by, I was frantically skimming through my Vogue magazine searching for anyone who I could relate to enough to be my icon. I finally saw the name, Grace Coddington. She is the head creative direct

or of Vogue Magazine.

I have always been intrigued by fashion my whole life, but I especially enjoy the fashion ads in magazines. Whenever I would get a fashion magazine in the mail, I would spend the majority of my time looking at the first section of the magazine

s, slowly going over and identifying my favorite ads. It was a different fairytale on each page for me to inspect. I would even try my hand at making my own ads by cutting out a dress and pasting it on a white piece of paper and drawing the rest of the shoot.

I have had many "speed bumps" (as I like to call

them) in my life, where I have had to pick myself up, and continue on even stronger with my life like Grace. Finally, although I am not completely certain of my career path, as of right now, Grace Coddington's career position is my dream job. I hope to one day follow in the footsteps of all the well-k

nown fashion icons from Twiggy, to Grace, to hopefully me one day. Though it is no fatal crash, I encounter speed bumps that may slow me down, but it’s not the end of the road for me.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Blog #5
  1. I have found the editing process so far to be the most successful and helpful for me because before, my other teachers would not give us the structure we needed in order to be a good editor of our peers papers.
  2. I think that the writing tip that told us not to use "repeating adverbs" because I had never really noticed it before, but it was totally right! Some adverbs really are very repetitive and I know I have used these "repetitive adverbs" many times before, myself.
  3. It was most challenging for me to apply the writing tips correctly to my own writing once they were taught to us.
  4. Probably the most challenging writing tip for me is applying the loop structure to my writing because I was not really sure how it worked for a while at first, but then I think I got the hang of it with some help from my peers as well, but I am still a little iffy on it.
  5. "This job, however, was not, and has not been smooth sailing for Grace Coddington. Her boss/coworker is Anna Wintour who has been nicknamed as, "Nuclear Wintour" and it has been said was the inspiration behind the film, The Devil Wears Prada for her reportedly aloof and demanding personality. Luckily, Anna has been a friend of Grace's for a while, but is still someone who is difficult to work with. This situation requires Grace to demonstrate leadership skills and apply them when working with her stubborn boss in order to be able to get any kind of progress accomplished in the work space while still incorporating her own creative views and opinions. I have always been intrigued by fashion my whole life, but I especially enjoy the fashion ads in magazines. Whenever I would get a fashion magazine in the mail, I would spend the majority of my time looking at the first section of the magazines, slowly going over and flagging my favorite ads. It was a different fairytale on each page for me to inspect. I would even try my hand at making my own ads by cutting out a dress and pasting it on a white piece of paper and drawing the rest of the shoot. I have had many "speed bumps" (as I like to call them) in my life, where I have had to pick myself up, and continue on even stronger with my life like Grace. Finally, I have always been a leader my whole life and enjoy taking on leadership roles. Additionally, although I am not completely certain of my career path, as of right now, Grace Coddington's career position is my dream job and I hope to one day follow in the footsteps of all the well-known fashion icons from Twiggy to Grace to hopefully me one day."
  • How can I condense this section as much as possible?
  • How can I get rid of anything that is unnecessary?
  • Did I miss any adverbs that are still repetitive?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Draft #1: Photo


My Photo:

Blog #4: Icons Loop

Imagine: Your modeling career you have worked so hard on starting has just hit its peak when you are struck in a serious car crash resulting in the loss of most of your left eyelid. This quickly crushes all of your fantastic dreams to "make it big as a model. This unfortunate event ended her career as a model and for most people, would have resulted in the beginning of a continuous spiral downward and a lack of persistence to continue on with their lives. This, however, did not apply to Grace Coddington for she applied great resilience to the situation and managed to pick herself back up and land a job as the creative director of New York's number one fashion magazine, Vogue.


Though its no fatal crash, I encounter speed bumps that may slow me down, but it’s not the end of the road for me.

1. The anecdote option for an intro made the most sense to me and then (although it went against Randy's advice) I started with the intro and then created the outro (with the help of Austin Clapp) based off of my intro that I wrote.
2. It not only incorporates who Grace Coddington is and a reason why I admire her, but it also makes many connections between her and I.
3. I hope my reader will think,
"Wow they really do have a lot in common."
"I would like to learn more about this Grace Coddington lady."

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Blog #3: American Icons & Resources
Part 1: Icons

Two of the people who are part of my continuem are Twiggy and Audrey Hepburn. These two people are fashion icons from the past. They relate to Grace Coddington because Grace Coddington is a fashion icon from the present. The other icon that I included in my paper who is from the present is Anna Wintour. Finally these icons will relate to me in the future when hopefully I myself am a fashion icon.

Part 2: Resources

1. "Anna Wintour." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 06 Sept. 2010. .

2. "Fall Fashion Grace Coddington." New York Magazine -- NYC Guide to Restaurants, Fashion, Nightlife, Shopping, Politics, Movies. Web. 06 Sept. 2010. .

Monday, September 6, 2010

American Icons Artist Statement
Draft #4: Grace Coddington

Imagine: Your modeling career you have worked so hard on starting has just hit its peak when

you are struck in a serious car crash resulting in the loss of most of your left eyelid. This quickly
crushes all of your fantastic dreams to "make it big as a model. This unfortunate event ended
her career as a model and for most people, would have resulted in the beginning of a continuous

spiral downward and a lack of persistence to continue on with their lives. This, however, did
not apply to Grace Coddington for she applied great resilience to the situation and managed to

pick herself back up and land a job as the creative director of New York's number one fashion

magazine, Vogue.

As an inspiring fashion industry member, I was immediately drawn to fashion icons that you

would think of first. People such as Twiggy, Anna Wintour, Audrey Hepburn, and even Lady

Gaga as a more modern choice. Then, as the time was quickly passing me by, I was frantically
skimming through my Vogue magazine searching for anyone who I could relate to enough to

be my icon. I finally tripped over the name, Grace Coddington. Grace Coddington is the head

creative director of Vogue Magazine. This means that she is the one who oversees the photo

shoots making sure that everything goes as planned and that the picture comes out perfectly.

This job, however, was not, and has not been smooth sailing for Grace Coddington. Her boss/

coworker is Anna Wintour who has been nicknamed as, "Nuclear Wintour" and it has been

said was the inspiration behind the film, The Devil Wears Prada for her reportedly aloof and

demanding personality. Luckily, Anna has been a friend of Grace's for a while, but is still

someone who is difficult to work with. This requires Grace to demonstrate leadership

skills and apply them when working with her stubborn boss in order to be able to get

any kind of progress accomplished in the work space while still incorporating her own

creative views and opinions.

I have always been intrigued by fashion my whole life, but I especially enjoy the fashion

ads in magazines. Whenever I would get a fashion magazine in the mail, I would spend

the majority of my time reading the first section of the magazines, slowly going over and

flagging my favorite ads. It was a different fairytale on each page for me to inspect. I

would try my hand at making my own ads by cutting out a dress and pasting it on a white

piece of paper and drawing the rest of the shoot. I have had many "speed bumps" (as I

like to call them) in my life, which I have had to pick myself up from and continue on

even stronger with my life like Grace. Finally, I have always been a leader my whole life and

enjoy taking on leadership roles. Although I am not completely certain of my career path, as of

right now, Grace Coddington's career position is my dream job and I hope to one day follow in

the footsteps of all the well-known fashion icons from Twiggy to Grace to hopefully me one day.

Though its no fatal crash, I encounter speed bumps that may slow me down, but it’s not

the end of the road for me.

1. "Anna Wintour." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 06 Sept. 2010. .

2. "Fall Fashion Grace Coddington." New York Magazine -- NYC Guide to Restaurants, Fashion, Nightlife,
Shopping, Politics, Movies. Web. 06 Sept. 2010. .

American Icons Artist Statement
Draft #3: Grace Coddington

Imagine: Your modeling career you have worked so hard on starting has just hit its peek when you are struck in a serious car crash resulting in the loss of most of your left eyelid. This quickly crushes all of your fantastic dreams to "make it big as a model. This unfortunate event ended her career as a model and for most people, would have resulted in the beginning of a continuous spiral downward and a lack of persistence to continue on with their lives. This, however, did not apply to Grace for she applied great resilience to the situation and managed to pick herself back up and land a job as the creative director of New York's number one fashion magazine, Vogue.

As an inspiring fashion industry member, I was immediately drawn to fashion icons that you would think of first. People such as Twiggy, Anna Wintour, Audrey Hepburn, and even Lady Gaga as a more modern choice. Then, as the time was quickly passing me by, I was frantically skimming through my Vogue magazine searching for anyone who I could relate to enough to be my icon. I finally tripped over the name, Grace Coddington. Grace Coddington is the head creative director of Vogue Magazine. This means that she is the one who oversees the photo shoots making sure that everything goes as planned and that the picture comes out perfectly.

This job, however, was not, and has not been smooth sailing for Grace Coddington. Her boss/coworker is Anna Wintour who has been nicknamed as, "Nuclear Wintour" and it has been said was the inspiration behind the film, The Devil Wears Prada for her reportedly aloof and demanding personality. Luckily, Anna has been a friend of Grace's for a while, but is still someone who is difficult to work with. This requires Grace to demonstrate leadership skills and apply them when working with her stubborn boss in order to be able to get any kind of progress accomplished in the work space while still incorporating her own creative views and opinions.

I have always been intrigued by fashion my whole life, but I especially enjoy the fashion ads in magazines. Whenever I would get a fashion magazine in the mail, I would spend the majority of my time reading the first section of the magazines, slowly going over and flagging my favorite ads. It was a different fairytale on each page for me to inspect. I would try my hand at making my own ads by cutting out a dress and pasting it on a white piece of paper and drawing the rest of the shoot. I have had many "speed bumps" (as I like to call them) in my life, which I have had to pick myself up from and continue on even stronger with my life like Grace. Finally, I have always been a leader my whole life and enjoy taking on leadership roles. Although I am not completely certain of my career path, as of right now, Grace Coddington's career position is my dream job and I hope to one day follow in the footsteps of all the well-known fashion icons from Twiggy to Grace to hopefully me one day.

Now envision yourself as one of the most successful fashion icons in the world influencing many people across the globe despite everything you have been through.

1. "Anna Wintour." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 06 Sept. 2010. .

2. "Fall Fashion Grace Coddington." New York Magazine -- NYC Guide to Restaurants, Fashion, Nightlife, Shopping, Politics, Movies. Web. 06 Sept. 2010. .

American Icons Artist Statement
Draft #2: Grace Coddington

As an inspiring fashion industry member, I was immediately drawn to fashion icons who you would think of first. People such as Twiggy, Anna Wintour, Audrey Hepburn, and even Lady Gaga as a more modern choice. Then, as the time was quickly passing me by, I was frantically skimming through my Vogue magazine searching for anyone who I could relate to enough to be my icon. I finally tripped over the name, Grace Coddington. Grace Coddington is the head creative director of Vogue Magazine. This means that she is the one who oversees the photo shoots making sure that everything goes as planned and that the picture comes out perfectly.

Not only was her job a perfect fit, but as I read about her and her life/career, I found that she was also in a car accident when she was only 20 years old. This resulted in the loss of her eyelid which had to be surgically replaced with skin from another area of her body. This unfortunate event ended her career as a model and for most people, would have resulted in the beginning of a continuous spiral downward and a lack of persistence to continue on with their lives. This, however, did not apply to Grace for she applied great resilience to the situation and managed to pick herself back up and land a job as the creative director of New York's number one fashion magazine, Vogue.

This job, however, was not, and has not been smooth sailing for Grace Coddington. Her boss/coworker is Anna Wintour who has been nicknamed as, "Nuclear Wintour" and it has been said was the inspiration behind the film, The Devil Wears Prada for her reportedly aloof and demanding personality. Luckily, Anna has been a friend of Grace's for a while, but is still someone who is difficult to work with. This requires Grace to demonstrate leadership skills and apply them when working with her stubborn boss in order to be able to get any kind of progress accomplished in the work space while still incorporating her own creative views and opinions.

I have always been intrigued by fashion my whole life, but I especially enjoy the fashion ads in magazines. Whenever I would get a fashion magazine in the mail, I would spend the majority of my time reading the first section of the magazines, slowly going over and flagging my favorite ads. It was a different fairytale on each page for me to inspect. I would try my hand at making my own ads by cutting out a dress and pasting it on a white piece of paper and drawing the rest of the shoot. I have had many "speed bumps" (as I like to call them) in my life, which I have had to pick myself up from and continue on even stronger with my life like Grace. Finally, I have always been a leader my whole life and enjoy taking on leadership roles. Although I am not completely certain of my career path, as of right now, Grace Coddington's career position is my dream job and I hope to one day follow in the footsteps of all the well known fashion icons from Twiggy to Grace to hopefully me one day.

1. "Anna Wintour." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 06 Sept. 2010. .

2. "Fall Fashion Grace Coddington." New York Magazine -- NYC Guide to Restaurants, Fashion, Nightlife, Shopping, Politics, Movies. Web. 06 Sept. 2010. .

American Icons Artist Statement
Draft #1: Grace Coddington

As an inspiring fashion industry member, I was immediately drawn to fashion icons who you would think of first. People such as Twiggy, Anna Wintour, even Lady Gaga as a more modern choice. Then, as the time was quickly passing me by, I was frantically skimming through my Vogue magazine searching for anyone who I could relate to enough to be my icon. I finally tripped over the name, Grace Coddington. Grace Coddington is the head creative director of Vogue Magazine. This means that she is the one who oversees the photo shoots making sure that everything goes as planned and that the picture comes out perfectly.

Not only was her job a perfect fit, but as I read about her and her life/career, I found that she was also in a car accident when she was only 20 years old. This resulted in the loss of her eyelid which had to be surgically replaced with skin from another area of her body. This unfortunate event ended her career as a model and for most people, would have resulted in the beginning of a continuous spiral downward and a lack of persistence to continue on with their lives. This, however, did not apply to Grace for she applied great resilience to the situation and managed to pick herself back up and land a job as the creative director of New York's number one fashion magazine, Vogue.

This job, however, was not, and has not been smooth sailing for Grace Coddington. Her boss/coworker is Anna Wintour who has been nicknamed as, "Nuclear Wintour" and it has been said was the inspiration behind the film, The Devil Wears Prada for her reportedly aloof and demanding personality. Luckily, Anna has been a friend of Grace's for a while, but is still someone who is difficult to work with. This requires Grace to demonstrate leadership skills and apply them when working with her stubborn boss in order to be able to get any kind of progress accomplished in the work space while still incorporating her own creative views and opinions.

I have always been intrigued by fashion my whole life, but I especially enjoy the fashion ads in magazines. As a younger girl, my favorite part of the month was always getting my Vogue or Teen Vogue magazine in the mail. I would spend the majority of my time reading the first section of the magazines, slowly going over and flagging my favorite ads. It was a different fairytale on each page for me to inspect and I would try my hand at making my own ads by cutting out a dress and pasting it on a white piece of paper and drawing the rest of the shoot. I have also had many "speed bumps" (as I like to call them) in my life, which I have had to pick myself up from and continue on even stronger with my life like Grace. Finally, I have always been a leader my whole life and enjoy taking on leadership roles. Although I am not completely certain of my career path, as of right now, Grace Coddington's career position is my dream job and I hope to one day follow in her footsteps.

1. "Anna Wintour." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 06 Sept. 2010. .

2. "Fall Fashion Grace Coddington." New York Magazine -- NYC Guide to Restaurants, Fashion, Nightlife, Shopping, Politics, Movies. Web. 06 Sept. 2010. .